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Budget & Work Program

Backhoe on road work digger working at construction in excavation pit

The Regional Transportation Commission’s (RTC) fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Each year, an original budget is approved by the RTC in March to allow for Transportation Development Act (TDA) recipients to budget their respective allocations in the new fiscal year, which starts July 1st. A major amendment is made in the fall to account for any carryover funds from the previous fiscal year and to reflect the actual reserve balances at the beginning of the year. The budget is amended as needed.

Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds are the major funding source for the RTC’s operations. Funds are established to account for funds which are restricted for a specific project or use. Currently, the RTC has eight funds:

  1. Administration, Planning & Rideshare
  2. Rail/Trail Authority
  3. Highway 1 Project Approval/Environmental Documentation (PA/ED)
  4. Service Authority for Freeway Emergency (SAFE)
  5. Freeway Service Patrol (FSP)
  6. RSTP Exchange
  7. State Transit Assistance
  8. TDA

Overall Work Program

Each year, the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) develops an Overall Work Program (OWP). This work program describes proposed transportation planning activities for the upcoming fiscal year. The OWP is a management tool identifying those transportation planning activities, tasks, and products required by federal and state law and authorized by the RTC. It also identifies the funding sources and staff resources necessary to complete the OWP. 

The Final FY 2024-25 OWP was adopted by the RTC on June 6, 2024.  This work program describes proposed transportation planning activities during fiscal year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 (FY 2024-25).

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