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Transportation Equity

NEW: Micro-Grants available for Transportation Projects and Programs in Your Neighborhood! Proposals Due 10/1/24.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Thriving Communities Program is making up to $10,000 available for small-scale transportation-related projects and programs in equity communities in Santa Cruz County. Applications are due 10/1/24 (MS Word). See the call for projects for more information.

The RTC is developing a Transportation Equity Action Plan to address historic and existing inequities and identify ways that the transportation system in Santa Cruz County can be improved to offer reliable, healthy, safe, and multimodal choices that are equitable and affordable to all users.

Why is RTC preparing an Equity Action Plan?

Our multimodal transportation system of streets, roads and highways, buses, bike lanes, sidewalks, and other transportation facilities and services connect us to opportunities, enrichment, and each other. While transportation facilities and services can open doors, shatter barriers, and foster community growth, a lack of transportation facilities and services can also serve as barriers to accessing jobs, health care, food, recreation, families, schools, and our communities. Transportation conditions can create inequitable outcomes for people based on race, income, gender, ability, sexuality, immigration status, and other identities and experiences (“equity priority communities”). These communities, sometimes referred to as “disadvantaged,” “priority populations,” “historically marginalized,” “underserved,” and/or “communities of concern” oftentimes experience more crashes, face longer commutes to jobs and school, have fewer choices for how to get where they need to go, and have higher health risks.

What will be in the Plan?

The Equity Action Plan will include:

  • An equity-focused analysis of the existing and planned transportation network
  • Policies to address historic and existing inequities
  • Public outreach tools to proactively engage equity priority communities in decisions about highway, transit, local street and road, bike, walking, carpool, and other transportation services and facilities
  • The establishment of a Transportation Equity Workgroup

Transportation Equity Workgroup

The Transportation Equity Workgroup will guide the development of the Transportation Equity Action Plan and support the implementation of quality transportation infrastructure, services, and solutions that more equitably meet the diverse needs of community members. Membership is intended to focus on marginalized voices in Santa Cruz County, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), tribes, low-income, unhoused, youth, rural, queer, people with disabilities, older adults, and other community members that have been historically marginalized or experience systemic discrimination.

Apply to be on the Workgroup

It’s not too late to submit an application to become a Member of the Transportation Equity Workgroup. 


Meetings and Agendas

January 23, 2024Zoom - See AgendaAgenda Packet
February 20, 2024Zoom - See AgendaAgenda Packet
May 21, 2024Zoom - See AgendaAgenda Packet
June 18, 2024Zoom - See AgendaAgenda Packet
September 17, 2024Zoom - See AgendaAgenda Packet

Previous Meetings

Date Location Agenda
December 19, 2023 Zoom – see agenda Agenda Packet
November 27, 2023 Zoom – see agenda Agenda Packet

2024 Workgroup Roster

Chris Davis
Crystal Gonzalez
Nicona MacDonald
Eric Medina
David Morales
Meilin Obinata
María Perez
Antonio Rivas
Kanyon Sayers-Roods
Colleen Stone
Daniela Suarez
Isabelle Tuncer
Chris Nestlerode


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