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2023 Consolidated Grant Program

Row of Traffic cone in the road. Repair scene.

The RTC is responsible for selecting projects to receive certain state, federal, and regional funds, including approximately $26.6 million from the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant (RSTP/STBG), and SB 1 Local Partnership Program (LPP). In addition, the RTC is also responsible for programming $34.7 million for transit capital and operations projects through the SB125 Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) and the Zero Emission Transit Capital Program (ZETCP). These one-time funds can only be used for transit projects.

This summer the RTC issued a call for projects, soliciting applications for these funds, with applications due on October 25, 2023. The RTC received 23 applications requesting over $95 million whereas only $61.3 million is available. The following table summarizes 23 project applications received in response to the consolidated call for projects, including links to proposals and awarded funding amounts. The RTC’s Bicycle CommitteeE&DTACITAC, and new Transportation Equity Workgroup reviewed the preliminary recommendations and provided input at their November 2023 meetings. The RTC determined funding allocations for submitted projects at its public hearing on December 7, 2023. This decision was based on recommendations from RTC staff, advisory committees, and public input. 

RTC Discretionary Funds Awarded Projects

AgencyProject Name (See links for applications)PSR for STIP*RequestedAward
Capitola41st Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation and Multimodal Improvements $2,000,000$1,000,000
County of SCCorralitos Corridor Resurfacing $2,125,000$1,500,000
County of SCEmergency Routes Phase 2 Resurfacing $4,522,000$3,200,000
County of SCGlen Arbor Road SidewalkPSR-Glen Arbor$3,632,243$2,100,000
County of SCGreen Valley Road Multi-Use Path $3,000,000$2,000,000
County of SCHighway 17 Corridors ResurfacingPSR- Soquel/San Jose$3,724,000$1,500,000
County of SCIntercounty Routes Resurfacing $2,044,000$2,044,000
County of SCRio Del Mar Resurfacing $885,000$300,000
County of SCRobertson Street and Soquel Drive Signalization $1,595,536$1,595,536
Ecology ActionYouth SRTS Bike/Pedestrian Education $310,870$300,000
Santa CruzBay Corridor Design $399,000$399,000
Santa CruzBay Street Paving $875,000$875,000
Santa CruzBethany Culvert Replacement $1,500,000$1,500,000
Santa CruzEscalona Complete StreetsPSR-Escalona$3,401,000$2,941,656
SCCRTCFelton-SLV Schools Complete Streets ImprovementsPSR-SR9$2,313,000$1,800,000
SCCRTCGo Santa Cruz County Bicycle Incentives Program $305,100$ 305,100
SCCRTCPlanning, Programming, and Modeling (PPM) $430,000$430,000
Scotts ValleyMount Hermon Road Improvements $523,000$523,000
Scotts ValleyScotts Valley Drive Corridor Improvements $500,000$500,000
WatsonvilleGreen Valley Road Rehabilitation $1,833,000$1,833,000
 Totals  $35,917,749$26,646,292

*Projects proposed to the California Transportation Commission for inclusion in the 2024 STIP require a PSR or PSR-Equivalent.

SB125 TIRCP/ZETCP Funds Awarded Projects

AgencyProject NameRequestedAward
SCCRTCZero Emission Passenger Rail and Trail*$16,450,000$2,000,000
SCMTDRapid Corridors Projects*$8,179,000$4,000,000
SCMTDTransit Operations$34,339,199$28,339,199
 Totals $58,968,199
 1% set-aside for SB 125 Administration $346,861
 Total SB 125 Allocation for Santa Cruz County $34,686,060

*Rail and Rapid Corridors transit projects also applied for RTC Discretionary Funds.

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