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E&D TAC Meetings and Agendas

The E&D TAC generally meets at 1:30 pm on the second Tuesday of even numbered months at the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission offices (1101 Pacific Avenue ste 250, Santa Cruz) unless otherwise indicated. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. The committee may schedule interim meetings, should there be pressing action items, or cancel meetings if there are no action items, and strives to have one meeting per year at an alternate county location.  Please check the current agenda for the meeting location.

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Date* (all meetings scheduled to start at 1:30pm)LocationAgenda (available at least 72 hours before meeting)
February 13, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link)Agenda PacketHandout
April 9. 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link) 
May 14, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link)

Agenda, Handout, Presentation-Item 14: AMBAG Title VI Plan
Presentation-Item 16: CORE Thriving Families Indicators

June 11, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link)Agenda Packet
August 13, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link)CANCELLED
October 8, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link) 
December 10, 2024RTC Office & Teleconference (see agenda for link) 

Prior years of meeting agendas and minutes are available online in the Past Meeting Info page.


All meetings are open and the public is welcome to attend. See our guidelines for providing public input to the RTC and its committees.


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