Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis

Final Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis/Rail Network Integration Study (2021)
In late 2019, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), in partnership with Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District (METRO), initiated the latest phase of planning for a transit corridor along the existing rail right-of-way that will provide additional travel options, and enhanced access and connectivity for residents, businesses and visitors. One of the outcomes of the Unified Corridor Investment Study, completed in January 2019, was to reserve the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line (SCBRL) for high-capacity public transit adjacent to a bicycle and pedestrian trail. The Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis (TCAA) evaluated public transit investment options that provide an integrated transit network for Santa Cruz County utilizing all or part of the length of the rail right-of-way as a dedicated transit facility. A performance-based planning approach based on a triple bottom line sustainability framework was utilized to assess various public transit options for the rail right-of-way. Transit alternatives were compared to define a locally-preferred alternative that offers the greatest benefit to Santa Cruz County in terms of equity, environment, and economy. Proposed future intercounty and interregional connections to Monterey, Gilroy, the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond were considered.
Business Plan for Electric Passenger Rail on the SCBRL
At the February 4, 2021 commission meeting, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) accepted the Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis and Rail Network Integration Study (TCAA/RNIS) that selects Electric Passenger Rail as the locally preferred alternative. The final component of the TCAA/RNIS includes development of a 25-year strategic business plan to serve as a guiding document for funding and implementation of electric passenger rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line. A cash flow analysis is presented that provides a detailed picture of the anticipated revenues and expenditures and can be used as a guide for determining the level of funding per year that is required to implement the project. The cash-flow analysis incorporates federal, state, and local funding of environmental review and clearance, system design and permitting, and construction, as well as operations and maintenance once service begins.
Read the DRAFT Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis and Rail Network Integration Study – Business Plan for Electric Passenger Rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line here.
Project Resources
- DRAFT Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis and Rail Network Integration Study – Business Plan for Electric Passenger Rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line
- Final Transit Corridor Alternatives Analysis and Rail Network Integration Study Report
- Milestone 2 Transit Alternatives Short List
- Milestone 3 Online Open House Materials
- Milestone 2 Online Open House Materials
- Fact Sheet
- Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- FAQs
- FAQs (Spanish)
- Final Initial List of Alternatives
- Final Goals/Screening Criteria/Performance Measures
- Communications and Stakeholder Involvement Plan
RTC Contact
Luis Mendez
Director of Planning, Programming & Transportation Services
(831) 460-3200
Rail Service Studies
The RTC is studying the feasibility of passenger rail transit service along the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line which roughly parallels Highway 1 and the coast in Santa Cruz County.
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