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2021 Consolidated Grant Program

Row of Traffic cone in the road. Repair scene.

The RTC is responsible for selecting projects to receive certain state, federal, and regional funds, including approximately $11 million currently available from the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant (RSTP/STBG), Covid Relief Act (CRRSAA), and federal Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP). This summer the RTC issued a call for projects, soliciting applications for these funds, with applications due on October 5, 2021. The RTC received 19 applications requesting over $26 million. Only $11.2 million is available. Listed below are projects for which the RTC received applications, links to the applications, and approved funding amounts.

Some agencies that received partial funding will reduce the scope of their projects from what was included in the application if they are unable to commit other funds to their project. The RTC’s Bicycle CommitteeE&DTAC, and ITAC reviewed projects and made recommendations for these funds at their November 2021 meetings. The RTC approved projects to receive funds at its December 2, 2021 Meeting, after considering staff and advisory committee recommendations and public input.

The board increased funding for County road resurfacing projects by $2 million above the staff and committee recommendations and directed staff to select projects to receive $189,000 that the RTC board did not designate to specific projects (noted with #).

Approved Projects

Approved Projects (See links for applications)
AgencyProject NamePSR for STIP*
RequestedApproved Funds
Capitola41st Avenue Intersection and Roadway Rehabilitation Project $985,729$492,000
CapitolaKennedy Drive Sidewalk $197,891$197,000
County of Santa CruzEmergency Routes Resurfacing Project: Alba & Jamison Creek Roads $1,870,000$1,870,000
County of Santa CruzSoquel Drive Buffered Bike Lanes & Congestion Mitigation Project (5.6 miles of Soquel Avenue/Drive between La Fonda and State Park) $5,500,000$1,000,000
County of Santa CruzSan Andreas Road Resurfacing Project PSR- San Andreas$1,650,000$1,650,000
County of Santa CruzSoquel San Jose Rd/ Porter St – Road Resurfacing & Multimodal Improvements PSR    Soquel-SJ$1,540,000$1,455,000
County of Santa CruzHolohan Road Resurfacing Project $440,000$440,000
Scotts ValleyGranite Creek Rd Overcrossing $538,800$500,000
Santa Cruz, cityChestnut Street St Storm Drain, Paving Rehab and Safety Improvements (Laurel to Green St)PSR-Chestnut$1,100,000$1,000,000
Santa Cruz, cityOcean Street Pavement Rehab and Bike/Ped Upgrades (Felker to Water St) $1,200,000$600,000
WatsonvilleComplete Streets DowntownPSR-D/t Complete Streets$1,248,000$1,248,000
SCCRTCState Route 1 – Freedom to State Park Auxiliary Lanes, Bus on Shoulder, and Coastal Rail Trail Segment 12 ($25k #)PSR- SR1$4,000,000$325,000
SCCRTCPlanning, programming, and monitoring (PPM) $290,650$290,000
SCCRTCSLV Schools Complex Circulation and Access Study# $210,000$105,000
Ecology ActionYouth SRTS Bike/ Pedestrian Education# $59,113$59,000
 Approved Funds  $11,231,000
*Projects proposed to the California Transportation Commission for inclusion in the 2022 STIP require a PSR or PSR-Equivalent.


Projects Not Funded

Projects Not Funded
AgencyProject NameRequested
Ecology ActionSanta Cruz County Bike Challenge ++$270,000
Lift LineLift Line’s EV Modernization Project$495,903
SCMTDParaCruz Operation Facility Construction Project$2,273,595
SCMTDMETRO CNG Articulated Bus Replacements$1,770,600
Santa Cruz, citySwanton Boulevard Multiuse Path$592,000
 Total Funding Requested$26,232,281

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