Bicycle Services

Towards its goal of creating an integrated multi-modal transportation network, the Regional Transportation Commission provides a variety of services to support bicycling in Santa Cruz County.
In addition to the programs administered directly, the RTC is also the major funder of the following programs: Bike To Work/School (Bike Month), Community Traffic Safety Coalition and its Watsonville Vision Zero Task Force, and the Ride ‘n Stride program. These programs provide safety education and promote bicycling as transportation. The RTC’s Bicycle Advisory Committee advises the RTC and member agencies on bicycle projects.
Santa Cruz County Bikeways Maps
The RTC’s bikeways map (2016) shows bicycle lanes, bicycle paths and alternate routes within Santa Cruz County. The map contains accurate and updated information on bicycle routes as well as topographic features, major attractions, schools, bike shops, parks, campgrounds and hostels. For a free printed map, pick one up at 1101 Pacific Ave Suite 250, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, contact the RTC at (831) 460-3200 or e-mail
Other RTC bike maps:
- Countywide route wayfinding project, including web map (2020)
- Special detailed bicycling maps (2018) covering either Central Watsonville or the downtown & Eastside areas of Santa Cruz. These maps feature additional attractions and destination zones, quiet street recommendations, and note streets with a downhill or uphill grade.
Bike Count Report
The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) performed bicycle, pedestrian and motor vehicle counts at 10 locations throughout the county on Thursday, October 16, 2014. The October 2014 Bicycle, Pedestrian, Vehicle Occupancy and Motor Vehicle Count Report provides bike and mode split count results. This data was collected in order to measure bicycle ridership and pedestrian trends to monitor the progress of our county in moving towards a more sustainable transportation system.
In May 2012, the RTC partnered with the County of Santa Cruz Community Traffic Safety Coalition (CTSC) and the University of California Santa Cruz Impact Designs: Engineering and Sustainability through Student Service (IDEASS) program to perform bicycle, pedestrian and motor vehicle counts. The May 2012 Bike and Pedestrian Count Report provides a summary of the results of the May 2012 count, bike count trend data collected by the CTSC over the last ten years, recommendations for future count methodologies and a collection of the bike count data that has been collected in the county since 2000 during either the morning or evening commute periods.
Bicycle Safety
Reporting Bicycle Hazards
Notify us of obstacles or hazards that may inhibit bike or pedestrian travel by using the RTC’s Hazard Report. Reports are forwarded to the appropriate local jurisdiction for action and may be submitted at any time.
Three Feet for Safety Act
Bicycle Facilities & Information
- Bike Lockers – More than 100 bike lockers are available to rent in downtown Santa Cruz and at Pacific Transit Station, Santa Cruz Metro’s main bus transit center on Pacific Avenue. There are also 34 bike lockers at several locations on the UCSC main and westside campuses.
- Bicycle Licensing – Bicycle licensing requirements in Santa Cruz County by jurisdiction.
- Reporting Incidents to Law Enforcement – Cyclists are encouraged to report incidents and collisions with motorists, other cyclists or pedestrians to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
- Ordinances in Santa Cruz County regarding bicycling on sidewalks
- Total 2023 Bikeway Miles in Santa Cruz County
- “What Motorists Want Bicyclists to Know/What Cyclists Want Motorists to Know” brochure
- “Complete Streets” for all road users
Bicycle Planning Resources
The RTC works with local jurisdictions to develop and certify Bicycle Transportation Plans. Adopted Bicycle Transportation Plans are required for local agencies to apply for Bicycle Transportation Account grant funding. The following local jurisdictions have adopted bicycle plans.
- City of Capitola Bicycle Plan (2011)
- City of Santa Cruz Active Transportation Plan (2017)
- City of Scotts Valley Active Transportation Plan (2021)
- City of Watsonville Trails and Bicycle Master Plan (2012)
- County of Santa Cruz Active Transportation Plan (2022) - 42MB
Visit the Complete Streets page and see the sidebar list of recent Complete Streets plans passed locally.
Other Community Bicycle Programs
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