Unified Corridor Investment Study
The objective of the Unified Corridor Investment Study (UCS) is to identify multimodal transportation investments that provide the most effective use of Highway 1, Soquel Avenue/Soquel Drive/Freedom Boulevard, and the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line while best serving the community’s transportation needs. The study’s goals focus on developing a sustainable and well-integrated transportation system while maximizing benefits in terms of efficient mobility, health and equity, the natural environment, and economic vitality.
RTC staff presented the Final Unified Corridor Investment Study (UCS) and Preferred Scenario at the Jan. 17, 2019 RTC meeting at the County Board of Supervisors Chambers in Santa Cruz.
The Final Unified Corridor Investment Study includes the findings of the Step 1 and Step 2 Analysis. The report provides information about existing conditions and forecasts for 2035 based on the UCS adopted performance measures.
RTC Contact
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission
(831) 460-3200
Study Overview
Highway 1 and Soquel Ave/Dr are two of the most heavily traveled roadways in Santa Cruz County. Freedom Blvd provides an extension of Soquel Ave/Dr in the southern portion of Santa Cruz County. The Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line provides a new opportunity to provide transportation options between north and south county.
The Unified Corridor Study examines which transportation improvements work together to make the most effective use of the community’s north/south transportation corridor including three parallel routes: Highway 1, Soquel Ave/Dr-Freedom Blvd, and the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line. The Unified Corridor Study identifies projects that serve people traveling by auto, transit, bicycle and walking and groups projects into scenarios. The scenarios provide a tool to understand how changes in the transportation system could impact the community and to evaluate future potential uses for the recently acquired rail right-of-way as required by Measure D.
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Public Participation
Unified Corridor Study Resources
Unified Corridor Study Scenario Analysis
- UCS Final Supplement (approved by the RTC in December 2022)
- UCS Final Report (approved by the RTC in January 2019)
- UCS Performance Dashboard
- Oct. 4 RTC Meeting (video)
- Step 2 Projects and Scenarios to be Evaluated (approved by the RTC in December 2017)
- Step 1 Scenario Analysis Results (approved by the RTC in December 2017)
- UCS Timeline
- Project List and Scenarios to Evaluate (approved by the RTC in June 2017)
- Goals, Criteria and Performance Measures (approved by the RTC in May 2017 with minor update approved in June 2017)
This planning effort is funded through a Caltrans’ Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning Grant (FTA 5304) and local voter-approved Measure D funds.
Public Input
Alternative Analysis
- Large Document Public Comment (by June 26, 2019 noon)
Step 2 Analysis
- All Comments Received (January 09, 2019 – January 16, 2019)
- All Comments Received (November 2018 – January 2019)
Step 1 Analysis
- Public Workshop and Online Survey Input (October – November 2017)
- Summary of Public Comments from Workshop and Online Survey (October – November 2017)
- Public Workshop & Online Survey Materials (October – November 2017)
- All Comments Received (August – November 2017)
- Focus Groups Comments (August 2017)
Previous Outreach
- Public Input from Surveys and Workshops (January – June 2017)
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