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RCIS – Goals, Objectives, & Actions

The next step in the SCCRCIS is to develop a conservation strategy that includes goals, objectives, and actions for each conservation element to address their respective pressures and stressors, incorporate information from prior conservation plans, and achieve the broader goals of the SCCRCIS.

The input received at this stage of the project will inform the development of the conservation strategy.

Please complete the survey below to provide input on the SCCRCIS’ conservation priorities.

Goals, objectives and actions may be associated with:

  1. Land acquisition and protection
  2. Habitat creation & restoration
  3. Restoration of creeks and rivers
  4. Restoration of habitat on public land
  5. Installation of wildlife crossings and fish passage barrier removal

An example of a goal, objective and action could include:

  • Promote persistence and ecological integrity of the native ecosystems (goal)
  • Protect unprotected land and enhance land that is already protected (objective)
  • Protect, through fee title or conservation easement, properties with high conservation value (action)

Conservation Strategies Survey

SCCRCIS: Conservation Strategies Survey
Please take a moment to let us know what you believe should be the conservation priorities used to inform the Santa Cruz County Regional Conservation Investment Strategy (SCCRCIS).

As a reminder, feedback obtained at the stage of the SCCRCIS development process will be used to inform revisions of the draft report, which will constitute the second section of the SCCRCIS, and inform the analysis of pressures and stressors and development of the conservation strategy in the next steps.
Email *
Which CONSERVATION ELEMENTS should be prioritized in the SCCRCIS? (Please select all that apply, and if you have priorities not listed, please add under other)
Which LAND ACQUISITION AND PROTECTION should be prioritized in the SCCRCIS? (Please select all that apply, and if you have priorities not listed, please add under other)
Which WILDLIFE CONNECTIVITY strategies strategies should be prioritized in the SCCRCIS? (Please select all that apply, and if you have priorities not listed, please add under other)
Which MONITORING, SURVEYING, OR PLANNING strategies strategies should be prioritized in the SCCRCIS? (Please select all that apply, and if you have priorities not listed, please add under other)
Please let us know if any major conservation issues have been omitted from the SCCRCIS materials presented or this survey.
Would you like to be included in the SCCRCIS emailing list to receive updates on this plan? *
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