Seniors & Accessible Transportation Services
A Guide to Specialized Transportation Services for seniors and people with disabilities in Santa Cruz County is published by the RTC. This guide lists accessible transportation services available in Santa Cruz County including eligibility requirements, hours/schedule, service charges, service area, and more details.
ParaCruz (operated by Santa Cruz Metro) and Lift Line (operated by Community Bridges) are key providers of local accessible transportation services.
Annual Unmet Needs List
Each year the RTC and its E&D TAC develop a list of paratransit and transit needs. This “Unmet Transit and Paratransit Needs List” identifies transportation needs that have community support, but are not currently being met by the existing public transit system. While many transit needs cannot be met due to limited funding, the Unmet Needs List serves to highlight these needs for decision-makers and the public, as well as identifying the highest priority unmet needs. The list is drafted by the E&D TAC and is reviewed and adopted by the Regional Transportation Commission each year.
The 2023 Final Unmet Transit and Paratransit Needs List was adopted by the RTC at the May 2023 meeting followed by a public hearing. Public comment on the list will begin in spring of 2024.
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Advisory Committee
The RTC’s Elderly & Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee (E&D TAC) generally meets every even numbered month and advises the RTC on planning, policy and funding issues affecting accessible transportation. All are welcome to attend the E&D TAC meetings. Voting members include citizens, representatives from groups/agencies working with seniors and people with disabilities, and transportation service providers.
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