
Santa Cruz County’s network of trails provides opportunities for cyclists, walkers, people with disabilities, commuters, joggers, or strollers to get around via non-motorized active transportation travel options. Whether you want to stroll in the redwoods, ride your mountain bike, or ride to work or to the store, the hundreds of miles of trails in Santa Cruz County are waiting for you.
The RTC, as part of its mission to plan and develop a safe, efficient, and comprehensive transportation system for Santa Cruz County, works alongside local agencies and interest groups to develop, improve, and expand the County’s bike lanes, trails, pathways, and bike routes. For a map of bikeways (including bike lanes, separated paths, and bike routes), see the RTC’s Bikeways Map.
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail
The RTC’s current flagship trail project is the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail (MBSST) Network. Commonly referred to as the “rail trail”, the MBSST will provide approximately 50 miles of multi‐use bicycle/pedestrian trails spanning the length of Santa Cruz County and spur trails connecting to neighborhoods, schools, parks, coastal access areas, transit hubs, commercial centers, and existing trails. The spine of the network will be within the 32 mile rail right of way adjacent to the operating rail line (aka “rail trail”). The trail project will provide convenient, active transportation options and span the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. For more information on the planning process, see the Final Master Plan and project webpage.
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