Notice of Availability for the Partially Recirculated Draft EIR for Public Review
On April 15th, 2022, AMBAG released a Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), specifically Section 6.4.2(h) (Greenhouse Gas Emissions), Impact GHG‐C‐1, for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and associated Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs) for Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties with a 46-day public review.
This decision was made based on the fact that, after completion of the Draft EIR, AMBAG identified a clerical error indicating that the 2045 MTP/SCS would not have a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative greenhouse gas (GHG) impact related to exceeding state GHG reduction targets, when in actuality it would. Because the 2045 MTP/SCS would result in GHG emissions that have direct significant and unavoidable impacts related to exceeding state GHG reduction targets, the 2045 MTP/SCS also contributes considerably to this significant cumulative impact of GHG emissions.
- Notice of Availability for the Partially Recirculated Draft EIR – April 2022
- 2045 MTP/SCS and RTPs – Partially Recirculated Draft EIR – April 2022
- Notice of Completion for the Partially Recirculated Draft EIR – April 2022
The public review and comment period on this Partially Recirculated Draft EIR began on April 15, 2022 and ends on May 31, 2022. During this period, the general public, agencies, and organizations may submit written comments on the content of this Partially Recirculated Draft EIR only to AMBAG.
For more information, visit
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