Bay Ave./Porter St. Onramp to Southbound Hwy. 1 in Capitola to Close Sept. 29 for Two Months
A project to construct north and southbound auxiliary lanes and bus-on-shoulder improvements on Hwy. 1 between the Bay Avenue/Porter Street and State Park Drive interchanges continues next week with a closure of the Bay/Porter onramp to southbound Highway 1.
Starting Sunday Sept. 29, travelers will encounter a two-month closure of the Bay Ave./Porter St. onramp to southbound Highway 1 in Capitola. This ramp closure will allow crews to reconstruct the pavement elevation to accommodate the permanent bus-on-shoulder feature. The Bay Ave./Porter St. onramp to southbound Highway 1 is expected to reopen Nov. 29.
A detour is available. Message and directional signs are in place to alert travelers in advance of the ramp closure and to guide travelers through the detour.
Travelers on Porter St. will be directed to Bay Ave. and to Park Ave. where they will be able to take the southbound Hwy. 1 onramp at Park Ave. Travelers on Bay Ave. will continue on Bay Ave./Porter St. to Soquel Dr. until they reach Park Ave. and rejoin southbound Hwy. 1 at the Park Ave. onramp.
This ramp closure will allow crews to partially excavate the existing onramp, correct the slope to accommodate the bus-on-shoulder feature, widen the mainline shoulder, as well as install drainage inlets, and complete electrical work and striping.
The contractor for this $78 million project is Granite Construction of Watsonville, CA and the project is expected to be completed by September 2026.
Updated project information for the improvements on Highway 1 between the Bay Ave./Porter St. and State Park Drive interchanges can be found on the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission’s website at:
Road information and updates can also be found on Caltrans District 5 Social Media platforms: Twitter at: @CaltransD5, Facebook at: Caltrans Central Coast (District 5) and Instagram at: Caltrans_D5.
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Detour map for closure of the Bay Ave./Porter St. onramp to southbound Highway 1.
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