Final EIR for Coastal Rail Trail Segments 10 & 11 Now Available

The County of Santa Cruz, as Lead Agency, in coordination with the City of Capitola, and the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, has completed a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Coastal Rail Trail Segments 10 and 11 Project. A Draft EIR was prepared and circulated for a 60-day public review and comment period from October 16, 2023 until December 15, 2023. The County received comments on the Draft EIR from state and local agencies, interested organizations, and members of the public. The County has prepared responses to all comments received. The Final EIR consists of Volume 1: all comments received during the Draft EIR public review period and Responses to Comments, Volume 2: the Draft EIR with minor revisions made to provide additional information in response to comments received or for general clarification, and Volume 3: the Draft EIR appendices with supporting technical documentation.
This Notice has been issued to notify interested parties that the Final EIR has been prepared and is available for review. The County Board of Supervisors (Board) will consider the Final EIR prior to making decisions on the Project at a public hearing scheduled during the Board of Supervisors meeting on March 26, 2024. The Board will also consider the recommended Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Project Description: The Project is an approximately 4.5-mile new multi-use bicycle and pedestrian trail proposed to extend along the Santa Cruz Branch Line rail corridor from the eastern side of 17th Avenue at the western limits of the Project to the western side of State Park Drive at the eastern limits of the Project, excluding a 0.5-mile section following surface streets through the incorporated City of Capitola from Opal Street/Cliff Drive Plaza to Monterey Avenue/Park Avenue. The EIR evaluates the Ultimate Trail Configuration (Trail Next to Rail), as well as an Optional Interim Trail (Trail on the Rail Line) whereby the railroad tracks would be removed and the trail would be located on the rail bed, at an equal level of detail.
Public Hearing: The County is scheduled to consider the Final EIR at a public hearing during the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. or thereafter, in the Board Chambers, at 701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, California. Information regarding the timing and public participation of the hearing will be available via the Board of Supervisors website:
Remote participation is available via Zoom or via Phone. Please visit the website above for more information about remote participation, to view a livestream of the meeting, or to comment on an agenda item.
Address Where Copy of Final EIR is Available: Copies of the Final EIR are available for review Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm except on specified holidays, at the County of Santa Cruz, Planning Department, General Information Desk, 701 Ocean St., 4th Floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. The Final EIR is also available at Santa Cruz County Parks Department, 979 17th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, and online, at the project website:
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