RTC Awarded $19.5 Million in Federal Grant Funding for Coastal Rail Trail Projects

The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), in coordination with the City of Santa Cruz and the County of Santa Cruz, was awarded $19.5 million in Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Coastal Rail Trail Segments 8 & 9, 10 & 11, and 12 projects.
The grant award will fund construction of 8 miles of the Coastal Rail Trail in Santa Cruz County between Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz and Rio del Mar Boulevard in Aptos. The $19.5 million in federal funds will be combined with state and 2016 Measure D funds to fully fund the new dedicated bicycle and pedestrian facility that serves some of the most densely populated areas in Santa Cruz County. The 32-mile Coastal Rail Trail is the “spine” of the regional Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network (MBSST), a planned 50-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail network along the Santa Cruz County coast, from the San Mateo County line in the north to the Monterey County line in the south.
Project benefits include improved safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, expanded access to coastal resources, increased connectivity to employment, recreation, and housing opportunities, and reductions in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) that will decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
“Today, we take an important step forward with this $19.5 million federal RAISE grant award to advance 8 miles of the Coastal Rail Trail,” said Eduardo Montesino, Chair of the RTC. “This funding will improve access to sustainable transportation and the coast, supporting economic growth and a better quality of life for both residents and visitors. We appreciate the support from our federal partners in making this project possible.”
The Coastal Rail Trail Segments 8 & 9 project is being delivered by the City of Santa Cruz, the Segments 10 & 11 project is being delivered by the County of Santa Cruz and the Segment 12 project is being delivered by the RTC in combination with the Highway 1 improvements between State Park Drive and Freedom Boulevard. All five segments are currently in the final design and right-of-way phase with construction anticipated to begin in 2027.
The RAISE program provides grants for surface transportation infrastructure projects with significant local or regional impact. The program has awarded more than $15 billion over sixteen rounds to local governments, Tribes, transit and port authorities, states, and other entities for capital and planning projects that will improve safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, mobility and community connectivity, economic competitiveness, state of good repair, partnership and collaboration, and innovation.
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