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RTC Releases Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan for Public Comment

Residents Invited to Help Shape Strategy for Expanding Public Involvement

The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) has released its Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan (PPP) for public comment. The plan, prepared by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) in collaboration with the RTC, the Council of San Benito County Governments, and the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, is federally required to be updated every four years to give more people opportunities to be involved in the transportation planning process.

The plan, which will serve as the official public participation plan for the RTC for 2023-2027, establishes a process for the public to participate in transportation planning, programming, and project implementation. It provides guidance in the structuring of regional transportation planning processes to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, inter-agency consultation and public participation are an integral and continuing part of the regional transportation decision making process.

Once approved by the RTC, the 2023 Public Participation Plan will play a key role in the public outreach strategy for the development of the 2050 Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Plan.

The RTC is inviting public review and comment on this fundamental document guiding the agency’s public engagement. Members of the public are encouraged to review the draft document and provide feedback on the proposed framework for how the RTC will conduct public engagement activities. Following the public comment period, staff will review the input received and update the plan as needed before bringing it to the RTC for final adoption in October 2023.

The RTC will hold a public hearing on the Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan on Aug. 3 at 9:30 a.m. at the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Chambers, 701 Ocean Street, Room 525, Santa Cruz, and via Zoom (see agenda for login details). Comments on the plan can also be emailed to with the subject line “2023 PPP,” or mailed to Heather Adamson, AMBAG, 24580 Silver Cloud Court, Monterey, CA 95340. The comment period closes on Thursday, August 23, 2023.


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