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State Park Dr to Freedom Blvd

Auxiliary Lanes, Bus on Shoulder, and Coastal Rail Trail Segment 12 Project

The project will construct multimodal improvements to enhance transit frequency and on-time performance, and safety and mobility for vehicles, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians. The project includes northbound and southbound auxiliary lanes and bus-on-shoulder improvements between the State Park Drive and Freedom Boulevard interchanges, replace the two existing railroad bridges between the State Park Drive and Rio del Mar interchanges, and widens the Aptos Creek bridge.

This section of Highway 1 provides access to Aptos Village, Rio del Mar, Aptos High School, and Aptos Hills/Corralitos. The auxiliary lanes will connect the on-ramps with the next off-ramp, thereby extending the weaving and merging distance between the ramps, improving traffic operations, and reducing cut-through traffic diverting to local streets and neighborhoods.

The existing railroad bridges will be replaced with longer span bridges to accommodate the addition of auxiliary lanes on Highway 1. The Highway 1 bridge over Aptos Creek and Spreckles Drive will be widened as part of the project. The new bridges, soundwalls, and retaining walls will incorporate aesthetic treatments consistent with the visual character of the corridor and the adjacent community.

This project also includes construction of Segment 12 of the Coastal Rail Trail, a bicycle and pedestrian trail along an approximately 1.25-mile segment of the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line right-of-way from State Park Drive to Rio Del Mar Boulevard.

Project Highlights

  • Improves traffic and safety operations on Highway 1
  • Adds infrastructure for buses to travel in the auxiliary lanes between interchanges and on the outside shoulder through interchanges
  • Reduces cut-through traffic diverting to local streets and neighborhoods by adding auxiliary lanes between State Park Drive and Freedom Boulevard
  • Provides a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian trail, improving safety and connectivity to schools, commercial centers, and transit facilities
  • Improves active transportation connectivity by constructing 4 dedicated bicycle/pedestrian overcrossings

Project Schedule

The Environmental phase of this project was completed in early 2024. The project is scheduled to be construction-ready in 2025, pending availability of funds for construction.

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