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RTC Seeking Community Members for New Transportation Equity Workgroup

The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is accepting applications from community members interested in serving on the agency’s new Transportation Equity Workgroup.  The Workgroup will advise the RTC and partner agencies on integrating equity into transportation planning, and help guide the development of the RTC’s Transportation Equity Action Plan which will identify and address transportation inequities and other transportation disparities in Santa Cruz County.

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“Approximately 50% of Santa Cruz County’s residents are transportation disadvantaged,” said RTC Executive Director Guy Preston. “Once developed, this action plan will provide us with the tools and information needed to address past inequities and prioritize improvements to our transportation system to offer reliable, healthy, safe, and multimodal choices that are equitable and affordable to all users.”

The RTC received $338,000 from the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program and is receiving support from the Federal Thriving Communities Program to develop the Transportation Equity Action Plan, which includes the establishment of a Transportation Equity Workgroup. The Workgroup will review, advise, and make recommendations on transportation related practices, plans, programs, policies and projects to help make Santa Cruz County’s transportation system more equitable, and support implementation of quality transportation infrastructure, services, and solutions that more equitably meet the diverse needs of community members.

Membership on the Workgroup is intended to focus on marginalized voices in Santa Cruz County, including individuals who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC), tribes, low-income, unhoused, rural, older adults, youth, queer, women and women identifying individuals, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized community members. In addition to individuals, representatives from community-based organizations, housing justice organizations, environmental justice and equity organizations, and disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to apply.

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